Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo and it's a SuperMoon but before you do a Virgo thing and panic, it's the culmination, zenith and Apex of the prior two weeks. Does that make you feel better? It should. Minus today of course!
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Aries: do what makes you feel most comfortable, it might not include eating out but maybe ordering in
Taurus: use this precious time to look in the mirror and see what others and adjust accordingly
Gemini: it's hard not to be in the public eye, out and about so do what you do best and use Social media
Cancer:you can smell a hater a mile away, but you're armed with the right quip to say
Leo: secrets, scandals and whistle blowers, everyone is telling on you
Virgo:it's your day and you get your way, while everyone is watching you give them something to talk about
Libra: stay home and ponder things although you might feel trapped at home, because air needs to move around
Scorpio: you can't help it words just escape through your lips sometimes
Sagittarius:calm, stay calm you need to to, even when the rent is due and the stock market is crashing.
Capricorn: you learn new tricks and have moment to reorient yourself to a new wave of experiences that's coming
Aquarius: stand still that's what Mercury says to you, stand still
Pisces: thinsg are not always what they seem to be expect surprises.
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