Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The day after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces!

Today's Planets and you! The day after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces! Things we could never imagine...happen. The unimaginable.

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, adjust, and instead of getting mad, use everything as a learning opportunity. Don't take things too seriously. 

Aries, you could change your ideas but need to earn more money. Watch the pennies, and the dollars will watch themselves. 

Taurus, on the one hand, you need to take care of your health issues and, on the other hand, keep the boss happy.

Gemini, you have to work hard instead of enjoying life, being carefree, and having fun. You don't have much time for fun things. 

Cancer requires extra vigilantes for accidents during this very hectic time. Avoid spiritual rituals, as they won't work as intended now. 

Leo, you can feel a money crunch, and it might be time to lunch-bag it and not spend like a mogul. Don't change jobs.  

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! What's ahead? You'll certainly change directions and make decisions based on your needs. 

Libra, you may feel unappreciated today and that you lack someone to help you when you need an extra hand.  

Scorpio, your dream job might not be available yet, so focus on education, learning, and meeting requirements. 

Sagittarius, you're reaching high and perhaps want to do something big with your life, career, and ambitions, and you just might!

Capricorn avoided crowded areas where you can catch a bug or contract the flu. You need to operate on all four cylinders. 

Aquarius, don't sit there and allow anything to stop your money flow. Move fast and keep your income coming in. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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