Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is Still in Virgo;

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is still in Virgo; it's super important to guard yourself and not do or say something because you're anxious about, well, everything. Don't bother other people; do your work. 

Quote of the day: Once you know what your problem is, you don't have a problem—you can solve it! 

Virgo, it's your day, and the Moon tells you to follow your heart and stop trying to please others. 

Libra, don't be so anxious to give up your precious time and run around for others; balance your life and do for yourself, too. 

Scorpio, it's okay to let go and not hang on to those you meet and feel a soul connection to. My dear friend, the Shaman #Angaangaq, told me many years ago when I had to move on," Don't jump in the river after anyone say, I'll meet you downstream."

Sagittarius, don't miss an opportunity to sway others and tell them what you want or get them to do what you want. 

Capricorn, if you find yourself copying others, then darling, you lost your creativity, and your focus should be on finding it. 

Aquarius, money comes to you when you partner with other non-stoppable types and you get out and talk to people!

Pisces, you are a psychic sponge, picking up all the vibrations of fear and angst around you! Ask, " Is that my fear or theirs?"

Aries, you feel guilty about the things you're not doing. OK, great, you can fix that! Get moving!  

Taurus, nothing is ever enough! When you have money in your pocket, you're already thinking about how to spend it and what's next?

Gemini, it's hard when you must keep rescheduling and can't keep your plans and what you want to do because of money. 

Cancer, give the object of your passions time and space to be alone, not just when they're taking a shower—real breathing space! 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! The tables have turned, and you're running out of true supporters and people who put you first. Ugh, Everyone is so selfish these days. ©

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