Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio (Fall)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) it's all about money, power, life, death, maneuvering to a better position, cashing in your chips, or getting what's owed to you. 

Scorpio, it's your day today! You are attractive and have that aura about you, but you attract people you're not interested in. 

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports: https://astrology.com.bz/mobileapps.php or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, no one should be on your bad side because there's little to restrain you from going overboard. 

Capricorn goats are found at the top of any organization. You have zero tolerance for anyone not acknowledging your efforts. 

Aquarius, emotions run high, and they can be sad or vicious. You'll want to avoid pushing anyone to be a Bull in a china shop. 

Pisces, avoid fanning the fire of conspiracy theories with people who might think you're strange. 

Aries, time alone helps you to reflect on what you would have or should have done differently. 

Taurus, of course, you reflect on where you are and compare yourself to others and where they are. Start over and catch up. 

Gemini, maybe you are more aware of hidden dangers, debts, enemies, and the need to be more self-protective. If you don't watch out for yourself, no one else will. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! Be extra careful with a jealous ex-love or friend, and don't let anyone own you. 

Leo, maybe you feel forced to decide, get an assistant or partner, hand over the royal scepter, or name a successor, 

Virgo, you're thrown into a situation where you have to make quick decisions, but others feel left out.

Libra, avoid re-writing your life around what's happening in someone else's life; you're not a character in their story, are you? 

Tonight, the Moon enters fun Sagittarius!

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