Sunday, June 30, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation)

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation). It's as much about what you have, don't have, and want to have!  Read your daily horoscopes on my website. 

Taurus, it's your day today, and you can easily spend time without thinking and buying things you need to throw away. Save your receipts. 

Gemini, it's time for spiritual renewal, healing, and to find yourself. Give yourself a break from what's bothering you. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! It's all about making a great 1st impression and making people see you as you see yourself. 

Leo, there's an issue with a mate or partner who does or doesn't want to be involved in your ambitious projects. 

Virgo, you're tempted to be far away to avoid seeing an ex or a lover you're not getting along with and who you'd rather avoid. 

Libra, you poke and prod, trying to see who will let you in their life without questioning what you want 

Scorpio, once again, you face the same relationship issues when another needs their space and breathing room. 

Sagittarius, lighten your load, ask for help, or hire help. Otherwise, you'll run yourself ragged today and get mad about it. 

Capricorn, issues with a love interest or children arise. They are either too close or too far away. 

Aquarius, find where you feel most comfortable with. Avoid disrupting or alienating your family members.

Pisces, it's a good time to park and bask in all the love and goodwill coming your way. People like to be around you.

Aries, if you feel emotional and needy, you're open to giving your power to another who says they understand you. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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