Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, who is out of bounds, making today feel like Mercury retrograde! Keep your head on straight, and avoid drama, mistakes, and pettiness. 

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The Moon favors Virgo and Virgo Rising; it's your day to make a splash, state your truth, and stay on top of things. 

Libra, manage your health and avoid expensive DIY mistakes. Call a professional to fix things or wait.

Scorpio, you might be in a tight spot and have to figure out how to overcome a challenging silent phase in a relationship.   

Sagittarius, if you're not happy in your relationship, get out of it, don't pick on a mate or partner or make them feel like outsiders.

Capricorn, it's a great time to upgrade everything and see how you can be even more organized and work better. 

Aquarius, you're in a rush to get your work down and make things happen to earn more money. 

Pisces,  avoid getting dragged into anyone's drama or jealousy. Look to move on if things get too uncomfortable. 

Aries, if you waste time getting paranoid, you won't be able to get ahead and focus on your future.

Taurus, You can't help but take advantage of new opportunities to earn more money. Here they come! 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! Pace yourself. If you try to do too much, you'll get worn out or make yourself sick.

Cancer, time alone works best; read, learn, and grow spiritually, Handle paperwork 

Leo,  you see things differently than everyone else. You see opportunities where others see danger.     

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