Saturday, May 18, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, and relationship decisions are on the menu. The Sun connects to Neptune, and you have to put yourself first. 

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Libra, you can be a big fish to minnows in a small pond or be taken more seriously by bigger fish in larger lakes.  

Scorpio, you'll keep running into the same issue, it's a lack of discrimination when it comes to falling in love 

Sagittarius, enjoy your freedom, and don't feel bad when you need to move because something is calling you to do that.

Capricorn, and just like that, things will change. Soon, you'll be free, and hours and days will be your own

Aquarius, try as you might to tune things out and not listen; it gets harder today. Avoid arguments and running away.

Pisces, manage your health and wellness and avoid anything that impacts how you feel today. 

Aries, falling in and out of love or infatuations, thinking this or that person is your new best thing doesn't go over too well with some 

Taurus, Happy Solar Return! It's a good time to cleanse and give your boy and health a break. 

Gemini, you might have to help someone not feeling well, as Saturn brings many responsibilities. 

Cancer, today you win when you decide to let go of people who are not treating you well. You're happy school or a season is over.

Leo, you need to decide how to handle many things that come up all at once. You might be at odds over a business or career decision. 

Virgo, It's almost time to move on so use your time today to get ready for a new chapter! 

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