Thursday, May 16, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The weather changes, and it pays to pay attention and not procrastinate too much. If you subscribed to my Monthly Horoscopes, you would have known that the stock markets would rise! Will they continue?

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The Moon favors Virgo and Virgo Rising. You might want to impress someone with your stellar good looks. 

Libra, avoid coming on too strong and choose your words carefully. Chances are you'll be misunderstood.

Scorpio, Get to know people really well. Assuming you know someone can lead you down a road of surprises.  

Sagittarius, check up on everyone to make sure everyone knows what time you're expecting them and you know what time your appts are. 

Capricorn,  lucky breaks come your way. Keep trying hard, and soon you could be offered a new job 

Aquarius, get out and about; don't stay inside or cocoon with your friends if you want to meet new people

Pisces, you know better than to believe what anyone says or gossips about another, or you should! 

Aries, you're great at helping others achieve their goals, but it's time to do your own thing. 

Taurus, Happy Solar Return! You work behind the scenes or finish prepping for a new position or job. Avoid shady types.  

Gemini, finish up all your work and clear your desk soon. You won't have time to do any of that! 

Cancer, connect with people who sincerely like and respect you and with whom you have lots in common. 

Leo, weather attacks on your character, and expect to learn how people really feel about you or think of you.        

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