Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Libra, and it's all about relationships, their ups and downs! The Moon favors #Libra, who has to be careful and guard against losses

How does the Libra Moon influence you? Go to https://www.terrynazon.com or click the link in my Bio

#Scorpio later, the Moon enters your Sun sign, and everyone notices you and wants to get closer! How close? Very close! 

#Sagittarius opportunities abound to connect with friends and VIPs. It pays to circulate today 

#Capricorn road trips may be a necessary evil; avoid cantankerous types who don't handle stress as good as you

#Aquarius while you feel pressure in certain areas of your life, be on the lookout for lucky breaks that are in abundance

#Pisces your routine gets disrupted, and you might take a road trip, have people over or go someplace. 

#Aries relationships are naughty and nice, so it's better to just focus on your finances and gathering up your money

#Taurus, the planets have you heading towards another person and having to get along better with everyone

#Gemini, frequent interruptions get in the way of your job or work, but you can handle it and wouldn't have it any other way

#Cancer it's all about family matters and being there for others; reconnect, plan a road trip, get ready for visitors

#Leo it's a good time to get work done, clean up and tidy up, apply for new jobs

#Virgo your ear is to the wall and information comes easily to as you read between the lines

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