Sunday, September 25, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the New Moon in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the New Moon in Libra, and it's all about balance, peace, relationships, and finding your perfect someone The Moon favors #Libra to be independent and take the initiative with a renewed sense of love and hope 

How does the Libra Moon influence you? Go to or click the link in my Bio

#Scorpio time to go into your secretive mode as you don't want to hurt someone's feelings, but you do want to indulge in a fantasy love

#Sagittarius, you're a joy to be around, and it's party time; but maybe you want your privacy at home, so meet people out 

#Capricorn there's more pressure on you to be a success and conform to expectations and little time to pursue your idle dreams

#Aquarius so much drama over jealous accusations that the police could be called in rare cases! Just move on 

#Pisces, circumstances beyond your control interfere with your plans, be flexible and helpful 

#Aries be extra cautious how you talk to people as conflicts can worsen in an already tense situation

#Taurus you are determined to make it and blind to anything that could go wrong, but there are the occasional disruptions

#Gemini you are energized now, ready for romance, love, and laughter! If you only had more time! 

#Cancer, get ready for a new chapter in your life.Get your home in order and stay balanced emotionally and financially

#Leo you might not like feeling that your future is in the hands of another. Try to influence and rally others to your defense. 

#Virgo it's time for romance and financial gains, Make sure you tell everyone what you do for them 

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