Friday, September 2, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), and it's a great time for tuning out the noise and focusing on what you want to accomplish. The Moon favors #Scorpio, who tries their hand at fixing things around the home and saving money

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#Sagittarius it's important to get along with everyone your success depends on it; let information come to you

#Capricorn keep yourself busy this is your time to work at hyper-speed! Lucky breaks come unexpectedly. 

#Aquarius, avoid getting too involved with someone you have had issues with, even when their karma falls on them 

#Pisces ask questions, do some footwork, and then make a decision to move or find a new place

#Aries a moral dilemma comes and you have to decide to go along with someone short-term to get what you want long term

#Taurus, find ways to save money and get more bang for your buck; you're ready for a change so do it

 #Gemini your genius, finds ways to get out of a jam, out of debt, and to live a comfortable life 

#Cancer money comes in spurts as do opportunities so take advantage of them when they come your way

#Leo make sure no contraband or illegal stuff is kept at your home, Clean up and get rid of dust and pests

#Virgo Happy Solar Return! you want to put the past behind you because you realize you're not getting anywhere 

#Libra breaking up is hard to do so keep your options open, don't blow someone off because of some past transgression

Extended Daily Horoscope or click on the link in my bio 


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