Saturday, December 11, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces and Aries

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces and you might withdraw from the activities around you but when the Moon enters Aries you head out and jump right into the traffic jams and long lines.  The Pisces Moon favors #Pisces to daydream and connect to all living creatures in a beautiful way. It's all about you today, be creative. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Aries starts the day sleepy and in need of some alone time but not for long, later you want to know where the party is

#Taurus you do your part to be supportive and helpful and go along with what others want to do, later you feel you are wasting your time

#Gemini you can't proceed or go forward without some kind of changes that need to be made or ironed out, You're willing to go it alone

#Cancer you can be indecisive and then obsessive about someone in your life, Realize that there are no perfect people or perfect relationships

#Leo you might act like you're agreeing but by now everyone knows you're going to do as you please when backs are turned and that's OK

#Virgo the lack of someone close or unrequited love is painful but it's time to put yourself first and invest in your own life

#Libra You're happy to share all you do with family and friends, a trip or getaway makes you happy

#Scorpio put your grand ideas and plans into action. You see that it's not so hard to put things into action even a new business

#Sagittarius Happy Solar Return! The promise of a huge payoff keeps you going but selfishness keeps it out of your grasp

#Capricorn if it's not about the money then what is it about?  You don't have time to waste so your time is money

#Aquarius there are times someone comes on very strong and times you're left alone and by yourself is this love?

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