Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn, and the tone is serious, business-like, and ambitious.  The Moon favors #Capricorn who is front and centered and who everyone depends on to get things done

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

 #Aquarius look for exciting trends and connect with people today someone special is in the mix

#Pisces connect to uplifting types as you feel things are on hold, no they're not it's time to perfect everything

#Aries you'll do what you think is the right thing and take on anyone who gets in your way, you'll be nice if others are nice

#Taurus things are moving as you like them too slowly and methodically but they are moving

#Gemini the universe is saying let it go, let him or her go, move on! Focus on new beginnings 

#Cancer you might not feel as comfortable one on one as you do in front of everyone Think big

#Leo Happy Solar Return avoid being controversial of people might gang up on you instead lure them to your side with a party

#Virgo you might be happy and looking forward to change feeling like you are back in your comfort zone

#Libra exchange ideas with everyone but limit the number of romantic head games you will indulge in or play

#Scorpio getting involved with your community and neighbors opens up a new world to you, join a club

#Sagittarius no one is expecting you to be such a tough negotiator but you're going after what you want today

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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