Thursday, July 8, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is dark in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is dark in Cancer and that means we are without any light or guidance from the Moon. All manner of hidden things occur during the Dark Moon so beware of emotional games. It's Cancer's day to get their way and be unpretentious and matter of fact in their ambitions

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Leo your suspicions are aroused today as you wonder who can you truly trust

#Virgo you're not putting up with any smart talk or disrespect, nope not happening

#Libra you could miss someone today looking around your relationships seem very complicated 

#Scorpio you know who to prod carefully for information or planet information seeds oh my! 

#Sagittarius someone holds you to a promise you made to him or here your words come to haunt you

#Capricorn harness the nervous and fast-moving energy and you'll catch a butterfly net full of money

#Aquarius your romantic opportunities start to grow but are complicated by your feelings for an ex or current attachment

#Pisces you ask questions and are in total control of life, a job opportunity comes that could change your life

 #Aries get comfortable today put your slippers on and care for yourself don't push yourself

#Taurus it may be time for a change, as you consider moving and letting go of the past

#Gemini today the Moon makes you wonder "where's my money" but tomorrow you say "There it is" 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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