Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Sagittarius and Capricorn

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Sagittarius is expansive and seels knowledge while the Moon in Capricorn at Sunset (ET) is all business  so while the Moon is in Sagittarius it's Sag who takes charge of their lives and is today's winner

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Capricorn is the Moon's child tonight and gets noticed by all Maybe it's a good time to go on a date!  

#Aquarius You're subject to getting your hopes up way too high, come down to Earth and do the math 

#Pisces Put your business that on but don't make too many rules for the one you love tonight go someplace to be seen

#Aries keep your reputation pristine and tend to your responsibilities first fun later 

#Taurus you might think there's a money crunch and then poof there's not a money crunch 

#Gemini wean others off of your wallet gracefully and ask them politely to be more responsible for themselves 

#Cancer you're moving along getting all the little things that usually bother you done. let's dust!

#Leo set aside your fears and what's not feeling good to you, Get ready for your Solar Return. 

#Virgo what a difference a few hours make as you opt to be uber-confident and do what's best for you

#Libra you earn money or you can earn money from several places I won't tell anyone ok?

#Scorpio be careful what you say as your sarcasm bites, and makes others shake their head and say "high?" 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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