Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  Today a rare Conjunction with venus and Mars makes you more competitive, and indulgent. The Moon favors #Virgo to get their way, take action, and wonder what their significant other is doing

#Libra you're done being nagged about his or that and you need a break Play hooky with a lover 

#Scorpio family or property responsibilities weigh heavily on your mind, free yourself by taking charge 

#Sagittarius you don't need to be reminded about things but you do need to watch your interests legally

#Capricorn fool me once but not twice, you go after the money that is owed to you without letting go

#Aquarius wants to impress their love interest but gets nagged about spending too much instead 

#Pisces manage your life and do your own thing don't be dictated to about what you should be doing

 #Aries You need time to explore your creative side or new love but home and family dictate otherwise

#Taurus avoid complaining too much to others especially if you have more than them

#Gemini you turn a corner in your relationships but aren't sure about what you expect or want

 #Cancer you're calling Customer service about your refund because your eye is on your money and not being dupped

#Leo it's a wonderful day and no one is looking or watching so you can be as naughty as you want to be

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