Sunday, June 27, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius, where brotherhood and sisterhood live. The Moon favors #Aquarius to seek company, companionship, friendship and someone to love 

#Pisces adjust to the planets retrograding in your Sun sign and go back, revise and pick up things from the past you left behind

#Aries while it's a good day to connect with family you also want to connect or are pulled by friends 

#Taurus what a time to be a Bull, you're going to have to be tough, persistent, responsible, and honest to make it to your goals 

#Gemini Your ruler has you looking down, this way and that to see what you left behind and have to fix 

#Cancer Happy Solar Return no one realizes how you are playing with the Big Boys and how high the stakes are, only you

#Leo relationships are under fire but not over, you've got a way to goes yet before making an ultimate decision

#Virgo once again you're thrown into the thick of things having to tend to something that was overlooked, who do you blame? 

#Libra there nothing more you would like more than to socialize and have a romantic time but duty calls

#Scorpio you're thinking of ways to get out meet new people but once again you fall asleep on the sofa Huh? 

#Sagittarius people love your caring and protective side that the Sun in Cancer brings out in you

#Capricorn avoiding conflicts is utmost in your mind but you have to get a little tough to balance relationships and partnerships

Read your extended Horoscope on my website. 



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