Friday, June 18, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra ruler or relationships! The Moon favors #Libra today who takes charge and is demanding but it feels awkward 

#Scorpio you might be dealing with an ex, a secret love interest or hurt feelings today and you'll say so

#Sagittarius maybe you wish you had more time to spend with friends socializing but duty calls

#Capricorn as tough as it might be to put your foot down you must, you're not about to let anyone walk all over you

#Aquarius an out or whack Water-bearer is not a pretty sight learn to calm your nerves 

#Pisces blame the heat, blame the rain everyone is a little testy show more kindness today

 #Aries you're pulled in lots of different directions but when family needs you, you are there

#Taurus you're taking steps in the right direction to riches and others guide you correctly

#Gemini don't let anyone push you too far off a financial edge!  Put your foot down, please

 #Cancer your feelings get hurt easily now especially when others try to walk all over you

#Leo you love to do things with your friends but today you wonder where is everyone? 

#Virgo things may turn out costing more than you anticipated tap those spending brakes 

For a longer version of your daily horoscopes, go to 

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