Sunday, April 4, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Capricorn

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope It's the 4th Qtr Moon in Capricorn and it favors #Capricorn and Capricorn Rising to take action and not let anything go over their heads The buck stops here 

#Aquarius you have to make everyone happy and be dutiful while you'd rather to going places and doing things, other things

#Pisces finally the little planet of thinking and ideas stops confusing and you now know where everything goes and how to use it

#Aries you're throwing a lot of things at the wall to see what sticks, that's just the way you succeed

#Taurus sure you'd like to stick around and dig deeper into the ideas you have but Uarnsu waits for no one and his clock is ticking

#Gemini who gives too much? That's right Gemini gives too much and a money crunch follows

#Cancer You are setting boundaries for others starting today, right now, because you have things to do

#Leo teamwork makes the dream work but you're slowly losing the team to do all manner of things

#Virgo you might be overly protective of the ones you love and then not at all at other times

#Libra it's as good a time as ever to just reach out like nothing happened and reconnect to your past relationships

#Scorpio get ready for your place among family and friends, your rank and importance is about to change

#Sagittarius like can be so much fun and Mercury just turned things up a little bit with a new hobby or a new love

You need more so go to 


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