Monday, July 6, 2020

Your July Monthly Newsletter



2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides



This month the planets Mercury and Mars will be in a waxing or waning square! That means one argument you have gets a longer life! In fact, one argument could last all month. Not only do these two planet cause arguments when they are in a harsh aspect to each other, they wreak havoc with the weather, communications, your job and being on time. That means you might be stood up if you goon a blind date or someone say they’re going to call you, and then don’t. Think of it as an extended Mercury retrograde. I know, you were expecting things to get better and now mars is getting in the way. Cutting you in line, not social distancing and in your personal space! There’s this disconnect that occurs when mercury squares mars and your mind or words are not syncing with your movements or actions. It’s hard enough on regular folk, imagine what it does to those already unhinged or not coping very well. Need More information? Let’s connect! Book your consultation with me here.


Good News! The New Version of my Horoscope App is ready! With the purchase of my Horoscope App, you get a free online tarot reading each month. The meanings of the tarot cards are my interpretations! We also added the Night Sky to our APP so you can connect to the stars above. We have plans to add more new fun stuff too. If you're already an App user, we are always making changes. Occasionally, uninstall the old app version from your device and Re-Install the New App Version of the App!

Register the new App, and you will get an email to verify your email address. Your old login will then work. Download my App Terry Nazon Horoscopes on Google Play and Apple iTunes! You no longer need to put in your phone number. If you have trouble logging in, try changing your password! Need more Help? Go to If you need even more help with the APP, email us, we're here! I also appreciate a good review!


Aries : As your astrology horoscope month begins Aries and Aries Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer solarizes your 4th house of home, family, nurturing, and self-sufficiency.  Lucky for you, you move closer to financial and emotional independence as the Sun sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°, your 2nd house of money, wealth, and personal possessions or net worth.   The month of July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Click here for more...

Taurus : As your astrology horoscope month begins, Taurus and Taurus Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer, sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  Of course, this starts July on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  You can hesitate and think things are moving too fast, and they probably are with Uranus at the helm.  Click here for more...

Gemini : As your astrology horoscope month begins Gemini and Gemini Rising, the Sun is in receptive and fluid Cancer your 2nd house of money, luxuries, what feels right and wealth.   The Cancer Sun sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°, and this starts July on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  Click here for more...

Cancer : As your astrology horoscope month begins, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer your Sun sign sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9° for some life-changing opportunities.  July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait. Click here for more...

Leo : As your astrology horoscope month begins, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°, and this starts July on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  There may be times you feel your success is assured. While the Sun solarizes your 12th house, money at times comes effortlessly to you. Click here for more...

Virgo : As your astrology horoscope month begins Virgo and Virgo Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  Your more adventurous side gets an opportunity to be expressed, and your curiosity about the world around you is satisfied.   July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  Click here for more...

Libra : As your astrology horoscope month begins Libra and Libra Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°. Outstanding career or professional opportunities come your way.   July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait. Click here for more...

Scorpio : As your astrology horoscope month begins Scorpio and Scorpio Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  Scorpio is favored to win in court or legal maneuvers, pass tests and influence others.  It’s also an excellent time for travel if you can do so safely and forging relationships and partnerships.  July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait. Click here for more...

Sagittarius : As your astrology horoscope month begins Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  You gain through others and your job or work benefits.   July begins on a positive note that brings financial, employment,  work, or job opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  It’s a great time to get back to eating better and enjoying the little things.  It’s also about transformation and change. Click here for more...

Capricorn : As your astrology horoscope month begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  This aspect can bring a new relationship or strong bonds to your life through a love interest or your children.   July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities, lucky breaks, popularity, and perhaps a feeling of greater security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  Click here for more...

Aquarius : As your astrology horoscope month begins Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9°.  It’s all about keeping things running smoothly at home.  Stability is essential to you now.  July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities, increased income, and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  You’ll work hard to keep things this way. Some may find their dream job now.  Click here for more...

Pisces : As your astrology horoscope month begins Pisces and Pisces Rising, the Sun in receptive and fluid Cancer sextiles the planet of sudden and remarkable changes Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 9° for lots of goodwill, lucky breaks, and happiness.   July starts on a positive note that brings financial opportunities and perhaps a feeling of security.  Any hopes of getting back to normal may have to wait.  Click here for more...


2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

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