Friday, July 3, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Sagittarius Moon yearns for freedom, doing away with cages or lock downs.  Finding that happy medium between following the rules and having fun is today's challenge. The Sagittarius Moon favors the fire born but it's #Sagittarius day to get their way and they mean business today!
#Capricorn knows how to keep others guessing
#Aquarius good fortune on the way so relax
#Pisces wants to spend money and is tempted, but is thinking things through
#Aries do good or be a bad ass?  hhmm Decisions, decisions
#Taurus life changes for the better so don't look back unless you have to re-file or re-do something
#Gemini your ruler aligns for unpredictable good fortune so don't try to predict your windfall
#Cancer put your foot down and don't be taken advantage of
#Leo be kind to those you need don't alienate good people
#Virgo once you get the one you want , you start to think if he or she is what you want
#Libra follow your heart and be patient in matters of the heart
#Scorpio focus on your good fortune, happiness and not on pettiness

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