Wednesday, July 8, 2020

This Week at a Glance



2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides



By now, you know if you’ve been following along that this morning was the first of three Mercury RX square Mars aspects. In the cardinal signs of Cancer and Aries there’s going to be plenty of bossiness and irritation to spare. People will be touchy, and prone to sarcastic verbal abuse. There can be trouble over commerce since Mercury RX rules business and commerce. Since the Mars is the co-ruler of the 8th house joint finances, taxes, insurance matters, alimony, inheritances, commissions, and professional services there will be disputes over those things too. Arguments can have an extended life span and be carried through to the end of the month.

Mercury rules ideas so taking your stellar ideas to someone now, isn’t a good idea either. Mercury also rules health, wellness, neighbors and your job. Then there’s the weather. During Mercury square Mars transits there’s back biting at work, on the job, the weather wreaks havoc, falls and accidents are possible while working are possible, road rage, cuts from sharp objects and burns are also possible. People get irritated very quickly now. Infectious airborne diseases are also peaking. Since this square starts when Mercury RX is retrograde that extends the transit through July. The last culmination of the square occurs on July 27th.

Exercise plenty or good common sense and caution. Manage your job and health, avoid accidents and when you find yourself getting mad, exercise more patience. Think about why you are getting so mad. The Good news this week is that the Sun trines Neptune and spiritual evolvement is possible. This makes it easier to understand yourself and others and what makes you or others tick. Healing is possible! Let your imagination take you wherever it wants to go. Perhaps it’s through those minor irritations that you can tap into your subconscious mind and see what is triggering motivating your anger, heal it and disperse it. This is a good week to let look at what annoys you and what bothers you, and let it go.

Astrology teaches us the way to healing and happiness. That’s what I call astrology in motion. Let’s connect! Book your consultation with me here.


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Aries : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Aries and Aries Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius through to the sign of Taurus.  The Moon’s orbit is going to take you through some ups and downs.  But once the Moon enters your Sun sign this weekend, you’ll feel your mojo surge back.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Taurus : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Taurus and Taurus Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your solar sector of authority figures, responsibilities career, profession, and success through to the sign of Taurus your Sun sign.  That means you’ve reached the pinnacle of your efforts to succeed.  It’s just time to wind down and polish what you’ve done so far.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Gemini : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Gemini and Gemini Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your 9th house of learning, curiosities, new adventures, and travel, through to the sign of Taurus your solar sector of behind the scenes activities, alone time and subconscious fears.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Cancer : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Cancer and Cancer Rising, your ruler, the Moon, is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius through to the sign of Taurus.  You overcome challenges, and issues of jealousy to move on to what's important to you.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits.  This week you still have mountains to climb and accomplishments to make. Click here for more...

Leo : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Leo and Leo Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius your 7th house of marriage, significant others, best friends and partners. The moon transits through to the sign of Taurus your 10th house of success, achievements, responsibilities, and of course, this is where Uranus is too.  You’re not budging or giving anyone a chance to sit in your throne.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits.  Click here for more...

Virgo : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Virgo and Virgo Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius through to the sign of Taurus.  Your lunar feelings are focused on your job, work, and what you have to do to keep things running your life and then enjoying time away from your daily grind.   It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits.  Click here for more...

Libra : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Libra and Libra Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your 5th house of love, romance, passion, children and taking chances, through to the sign of Taurus 8th house of intimacy, jealousy, joint finances, and obsessions.  If you’re in love, things are or get complicated.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...


Scorpio : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Scorpio and Scorpio Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius a fixed sign that rules your 4th house of home, family, property matters and deeply felt emotions.  Although you may sound quite robotic, repetitive, and factual when you are talking about how you feel, nonetheless, things do hurt you.   The Moon transits through to the sign of Taurus, your 7th house of relationships, and you still may be cold and robotic when dealing with others. Click here for more...


Sagittarius : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your 2nd house of money, wealth and getting what you want through to the sign of Taurus your 5th house of winning and self-confidence.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, your Sun sign in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Capricorn : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your 2nd house of money, wealth and getting what you want through to the sign of Taurus your 5th house of winning and self-confidence.  It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, your Sun sign in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Aquarius : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your Sun sign through to the sign of Taurus your4thhouse of letting go.  It seems there’s going to be lots of issues about clearing what’s not necessary from your life or even just the things you won’t be using for a while.   It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...

Pisces : As your astrology horoscopes week begins Pisces and Pisces Rising, the Moon is winding down and transiting in the sign of detached Aquarius, your 12th house of completions, through to the sign of Taurus your 3rd house of new ideas.  It’s important not to be afraid of trying new things.   It’s a time when you begin to see the effects of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your life and reap the benefits. Click here for more...


2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale

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