Monday, June 8, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn and this favors the breaking down of authoritarian rule, removing career politicians, cruelty, meanness, brutality and evil.   But it will take all year to see solid results.  In fact, until the Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction the Winter Solstice. So don't throw away your protest signs!  Don't put your hopes on lip service!  The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to see the light at the end of their personal tunnel
#Aquarius sit tight your turn comes tonight 
#Pisces no one is judging you, your Sun sign can't bear to watch the injustice and turmoil day after day
#Aries formulate a plan it's not your time to be in charge yet
#Taurus your world is shaking up but you'll be better off for it. you get extra time to find success
#Gemini it's not like you to be at a loss for words but you might be, you're in your head right now
#Cancer it's up to you to point things out, speak up, even with those in your inner circle #uncomfortableConversations
#Leo control yourself least you blurt something out, work harder
#Virgo you might get frustrated with the imperfection you see even at home or all around you
#Libra do what you can to lift your spirits don't rely on others to do things for you
#Scorpio you have a way of speaking that can be used for good or selfish means 
#Sagittarius as new people come into your life say "until we meet again" to the people leaving your life

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