Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in Scorpio today.  It's where all your inner angst, naughty thoughts and obsessions come out to play.   It's the day before the Full Flower Moon and the last Full Super moon of 2020.
 The Moon is in Scorpio favors #Scorpio to get their way and take charge
#Sagittarius keep yourself busy today, look around and find things to complete
#Capricorn it's not a day to waste, fit in all your favorite activities
#Aquarius you could be in a bad mood and feel pressured by others or you could tune them out
#Pisces give yourself lots to do and spend a little time on each of your projects #BusyHands
#Aries everyone is scared of something these days, you just need to zone out for the right answers avoid #Powerstruggles
#Taurus  it's your #SolarReturn so you stand out and get noticed naturally be that person people admire not loathe
#Gemini your powers of concentration are admirable today, stay focused and avoid arguments
#Cancer under the aspects of the Lunar Nodes the hearts of men and women are weighed and dole  out accordingly 
#Leo you'd like to take this job and shove it but you don't want to let go of the perks
#Virgo while the other Sun signs have some sort of fears to deal with or wait for things to change you chase a dream
#Libra you too aren't waiting around for change, you're pursuing it with a double dose of "I want, what I want" 

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#FullMoon, #FlowerMoon, #ScorpioMoon #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiac #Tarot 

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