Monday, May 4, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes Moo nin Libra

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Libra, ruler of getting along, relationships and marriage. Things are not well in paradise as we are more prone to notice what's unfair today. Things have built up. the Libra Moon favors #Libra to get their way and take charge today. This makes Libra feel empowered.
#Scorpio feels overlooked, and this can cause him or her to say something #Conflicts
#Sagittarius you might reconnect with a past friend or love putting your current romance at risk
#Capricorn nothing gets past you today, you notice all the nuances and you're ready to say something
#Aquarius you question your relationships and can't let anyone vibe or mistreat someone you love like a pet or child
#Pisces you might be taking it for granted that someone will have your back or take care of things #HeadintheSand
#Aries you got it! you need to do your own thing and be a success to be on equal footing with another
#Taurus your Solar return is filled with moments like the light bulb going off Stay in that zone
#Gemini every once in a while you need to retreat and get your confidence back up get back in your #HappyZone
#Cancer you just don't trust anyone, but since running away to an island is not an option get back in the fight
#Leo no one wants to hear it, your chances of getting into an argument are very high be quietly supportive and watch over things
#Virgo the squeaky wheel gets the grease in legal, educational and travel matters, expect a lucky break

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