Sunday, May 31, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in beautiful Libra today, where balance and peace abide! It's all about getting along or going along with others.  Which will you do?  The Moon in Libra favors #Libra to get their way and as a cardinal Sun sign to lead and be the peacemaker.
#Scorpio can easily undo or go backwards today, if you're not patient
#Sagittarius make everything new today work hard No need to be a people pleaser
#Capricorn It's your day to lead, take charge and stay busy You can figure anything out today
#Aquarius think about the future, your future and let logic prevail today
#Pisces if you're nervous do things to calm your nerves, for instance drink #ChamomileTea!
#Aries You may have to make a big decision about your career or profession
#Taurus you're in the process of learning lots about money and what to spend on
#Gemini you may have lots to do so tackle everything a little at a time. #NoFear
#Cancer stay in work behind the scenes and finish all the projects you have started
#Leo if anyone doesn't agree with you, you'll get rid of him or her in short order, but should you?
#Virgo avoid being too punishing and let more go. Tend to feeling and looking good

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