Friday, May 29, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo you can get lots done, fix things, checkyour social distancing and be productive.  If you can't find things to keep you busy, well then an idle mind is the devil's workshop.  Conflicts and chaos abounds.  The Moon is in Virgo favors the Earth Signs but it's #Virgo who needs to be heard today, and certainly will be
#Libra Complete projects, work, clean up, tend or kids and pets
#Scorpio you see where you can take advantage of loopholes, gaps and others mistakes
#Sagittarius it's time to embrace a larger life take baby steps until you feel comfortable #BackInTheGame
#Capricorn Shine and let others see how talented you are, Toot your own whistle
#Aquarius take things lightly and let everyone know that you're taking things lightly #Heartbreaker
#Pisces Stay home, enjoy life, love yourself, and filter your emotional highs and lows
#Aries Value yourself and if you have to be alone, then be alone "friends" bring you down
#Taurus Work on your self-esteem, believe in yourself and everything else will follow
#Gemini you are super competitive, a fighter and want to win at everything
#Cancer You learn from past experiences Now if you could only manage your finances
#Leo keep everyone on your side but that may be harder to do than you realize #TeamLeo
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