Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  It's a dark Moon in Aries!  All that fiery pent up energy goes inward ro towards getting ready for all those changes ahead!  The Moon in Aries favors #Aries who is intuitive and spiritually connected today!
#Taurus you're forced to let go of something or deny yourself a treat!
#Gemini you're OK alone if you're friends aren't around or supportive of your choices
#Cancer enjoy some quiet and alone time to stay in and try to tune out the distracting noise
#Leo people start to tell you what they really think but in their actions not their words.  hhmm
#Virgo you can feel socially inept and wonder if you said or did the wrong thing #ScratchingHead
#Libra you think about calling, reaching out or making plans but the #LazyBoy chair wins every time
#Scorpio "why aren't people calling me? Because you always have to have the last word or one up everyone in a conversation
#Sagittarius  you may want to avoid direct contact with some who put you on the spot #NoBuenos 
#Capricorn you're learning that if you worry about things that doesn't help and not worrying seems to work better
#Aquarius you can't help it the #Gambler in you wants a quick buck
#Pisces allow your inner chef to express him or herself today

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