Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Cancer, where expressing how you feel comes naturally or not.  If you are prone to nagging that might come out.  We are all hanging in there and hanging on to something or someone. The Crab once it's claw latches on doesn't not easily let go.  The Moon in Cancer, favors the water signs to earn more and keep more, but it's #Cancer who stands out and gets their way. 
#Leo wants to make everyone feel that everything is OK but everyone knows better
#Virgo has to be ultra careful because you pick up on people's vibes and take offense easily
#Libra you make strides and take steps to get out of a rut yo can move mountains
#Scorpio you might be ready to agree to disagree be open to hearing the truth
#Sagittarius money making ventures start to take form don't be afraid of making mistakes
#Capricorn slowly you get more active and make the time for some exercise 
#Aquarius you start to reason with yourself and pull away from conflicts and a shrew
#Pisces your work and routine change soon so get ready, you could be offered a higher paying job
#Aries you might ponder how to get back a friend, mentor or helpful person you overstepped with
#Taurus it's your time and doors are opening for you, they want your expertise
#Gemini remember everything has to be on the up and up, and done the right way or the legal way

 Need More? Go to for the extended Horoscope

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