Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Libra but changes signs later this Afternoon. That means the tone or ambiance changes too.  During the day it's #Libra who rests, maybe picks up stuff around the house and then orders in
#Scorpio goes from avoiding things to jumping into action
#Sagittarius works hard then obviously needs to rest
#Capricorn has to manage their finances but then gets unexpected funds
#Aquarius you're a genius and the world needs genius ideas let's see them!
#Pisces you might wait today out if you're waiting for a check but then things move forward
#Aries your solar return requires discipline and get up and go! Balance your life and responsibilities
#Taurus you're a shrewd operator when it comes to money, keep it up!
#Gemini at least for now there is no more granting wishes for yourself or giving into tempting purchases
#Cancer Check in with others and go ahead tell them what to do, and how to take care of themselves
#Leo going without or finding empty shelves doesn't appeal to you so you might indulge in a little hoarding yourself
#Virgo you too are tempted to indulge and the thought of going without or making do Bah Humbug
Need More Read your extended horoscope at

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