Sunday, March 29, 2020

Today's Plants and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Plants and You! The Moon is in Gemini where people vie for knowledge, gossip, and to dominate the conversation.  Venus inches towards through the Pleiades and in a week connects to the Star known as Alcyone angel or devil.  You'll decide or you'll decide which you are.  This area of the sky is where we tally up the loss of life.  By then Mercury the planet of information will be connected to Neptune where panic or euphoria lives.  We'll be looking forward to the culmination or peak of this episode by the Full Moon April 8th.  Until then The Moon in Gemini favors the Air Sun signs. but especially #Gemini who stands out and takes the initiative today
#Cancer it's your day to stay in the background and not give up personal information that others can use it against you in the future
#Leo tries to keep it together but on occasion lashes out and says How Dare You!
#Virgo is called upon to use their care giving skills and nurse others no matter how they're feeling
#Libra it will be nice when Juno (soulmates) resumes direct motion in your Sun sign until then some just grate on your nerves and you say "I don't care"
#Scorpio can't be afraid of changes when the planets are in charge of changes in your life.  #GoWithTheFlow You are in charge of what you say though
#Sagittarius you need people, connections and helpers they are a huge source of ideas that blow your mind
#Capricorn You're fine on your own, and people don't like that, #WhosBringingTheDramaToday
#Aquarius Read Set Go here comes Mars as he dredges your subconscious mind, fears and hesitations and enters your Sun sign soon
#Pisces it's just another round of compassion, understanding and getting in touch with your emotions. write, paint, craft, and get better at your hobbies You need an outlet
#Aries the asteroid Eris the great disrupted is in your Sun sign and #TakeNoPrisoners or #GetOutOfMyWay or else makes you feel powerful
#Taurus Your Sun sign lies inbetween the Sun and Moon sign making you strong and feeling #Blessed
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