Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the New Moon in Aries where jumping into things would be normal if we were living in normal times!  The New Moon in Aries favors #Aries for new ideas and new ways to reboot their careers or business
#Taurus slowly but surely you'll feel more in control and see the end of the tunnel, accept new career or professional responsibilities
#Gemini you may be hopeful about your finances and money even as you get to the end of your rope
#Cancer you start to take your own counsel and do your own thing bucking what your significant other thinks
#Leo you have to start to be fairer try it your might like it
#Virgo a lucky break comes your way soon are you ready for it? in love don't settle
#Libra you're about to make a decision about a relationship or friendship that ended with a misunderstanding
#Scorpio don't look for a reason to communicate, it has to be mutual
#Sagittarius you do what you can for those you love, over and above what's expected
#Capricorn You get even more serious about money and letting go of the past or people who don't respect you
#Aquarius long term goals and and dreams are born now, you start to realize yo're on your own and it's all about you anyways
#Pisces understands the value of a dollar and wastes not, wants not! You are the picture of resourcefulness
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