Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is waning in the sign of Capricorn where it meets up with the Stellium in Capricorn.  Words like adversity, austerity, and survival are a few of the words we use for the sign of Capricorn.  Can you  think of more words? Post them below using #Capricorn
The Moon in Capricorn favors Capricorn to resist control and be themselves 100% and stand up against adversity
#Aquarius can be a people pleaser but not for very much longer, conformity just won't work 
#Pisces finds their center so don't let anyone rock your boat! 
#Aries take your moments to re-group when needed, you don't always have to be the strong one
#Taurus people look to you to teach and help them as you gain knowledge and know how
#Gemini the occasional fear grabs you but makes you all the more determined to succeed
#Cancer you might try to protect those around you and not worry anyone today
#Leo you just ant to get over and around drama and crisis, so throwing money at a situation is possible
#Virgo your heart strings are tugged at today
#Libra you too come to meet your emotions, feelings and the your peace of mind face to face
#Scorpio you want to be heard but now's not the time Avoid making matters worse 
#Sagittarius you use all your resources, money and know how for good today

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