Sunday, March 15, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in honest Abe Sagittarius the seeker of true knowledge but Mercury and Saturn have others plans will they be able to suppress information or not?  Huh? #WTF The Moon favors #Sagittarius to take the lead or initiative and not wait around
#Capricorn has a guardian angel watching over them, Voila it's the Moon
#Aquarius learns a huge lesson about what's most important in life, getting angry is not one of them
#Pisces hope springs eternal but you teeter-totter on the verge sometimes
#Aries rules by Mars you can take control and push though obstacles
#Taurus sifts through all the information and news and tells people around them what's real or not
#Gemini a time of testing is here Rise to the occasion without spreading news that isn't true
#Cancer you might learn who your friends are and who has your back
#Leo has their misgivings today and needs to work hard for others
#Virgo somehow you are guided to do the right thing
#Libra you've got the time to focus on your home, family life and your inner emotions
#Scorpio in a crisis you're very generous or more generous than normal Today's that day!

Need more? Go to for your complete #DailyHoroscope

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