Saturday, October 5, 2019

Today's Planets and You!  It's the 2nd Quarter Moon in Moon in Capricorn a serious day when something comes to end perhaps, and can disappoint.  Facing facts is what we do when the Moon's in Capricorn. The 2nd Quarter Moon in Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to understand that some things are for the best, #Aquarius can't always get their way, #Pisces if you give someone an inch they'll take a mile, #Aries to keep the peace do the right thing by others say Goodbye if you have to, #Taurus avoid conflicts that can turn ugly, #Gemini just work, clean up, focus on the little nagging things that bother you, Cancer everyone has an unsolicited opinion on how you can do things better it makes you wonder what they think about you, #Leo you might ask for some support or ask someone to do something shady, oh my! #Virgo has miscalculated something, #Libra is at odds with a decision they've made and might be homesick, #Scorpio show the receipts let everyone know upfront whatyou expect, #Sagittarius did you forget to pay a bill?  Need More How does the 2nd Quarter Moon in Moon in Capricorn  affect you?  Go to

#Horoscopes, Sextrology, Sexstrology DailyHoroscopes Moon, Zodiac 

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