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It’s time to get busy! It’s an exciting month that starts with the New Moon in productive, hardworking, detail oriented Virgo. New Moons don’t just bring in new energy they have you planning and putting your dreams, desires, and thoughts into concrete motion. What is it you would like to really work hard at or think that you can do better than everyone else? It’s time now to apply yourself an see how far you can go!
Aries: As your astrology horoscope month begins Aries, the Moon, ruler of your 4th house of comfort and feelings, is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. The waning Moon occurs in your 5th and 6th houses, and it’s time to reassess your distribution, and allocation of time. You can’t fit everything in that you want to do. Your issues about children, their care and happiness, and your desire to have fun run into a brick wall, of responsibilities, and even health issues; these things require you to decide what’s most important to you.Click here for more...
Taurus: As your astrology horoscope month begins the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday.Click here for more...
Gemini: As your astrology horoscope month begins the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday.Click here for more...
Cancer: As your astrology horoscope month begins Cancer, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Cancer and Cancer rising the waning Moon (your ruling planet) bring a time of winding down with finances and communications and you could feel overwhelmed in these areas. Something has to give! You are focused on completions now. Click here for more...
Leo: As your astrology horoscope month begins Leo, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Leo and Leo rising the waning money assists in personal financial matters, and possibly shaving off the fluff in your spending and figuring out what really makes you happy and what doesn’t. Click here for more...
Virgo: As your astrology horoscope month begins Virgo, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Virgo and Virgo rising the waning mood could have you questioning lots of things especially what you want and if you’ve been headed in the wrong direction or barking up the wrong tree. For some a hidden health problem resurfaces. Click here for more...
Libra: As your astrology horoscope month begins Libra, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. Libra and Libra rising are in the process o re-evaluating health matters, spiritual matters, and letting go of secrets and fears. Click here for more...
As your astrology horoscope month begins Scorpio, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Scorpio and Scorpio rising the waning Moon has you rethinking career, obligations or trying to see what you can reasonably do and what you can’t fit in anymore. Click here for more...
Sagittarius: As your astrology horoscope month begins Sagittarius the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Sagittarius or Sagittarius rising the waning Moon has you sorting through what’s important and what’s just wasting too much time. You may decide not to mix business with pleasure or let others waste your time picking through your ideas. Click here for more...
Capricorn: As your astrology horoscope month begins Capricorn, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. For Capricorn and Capricorn rising the months starts with you thinking about doing things differently but, also you start thinking about not going in 10 different directions. Click here for more...
Aquarius: As your astrology horoscope month begins Aquarius, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. Aquarius and Aquarius rising will find their thoughts are on other people these few days and a decision about who stays and who has to leave your life is eminent. Click here for more...
Pisces: As your astrology horoscope month begins Pisces, the Moon is waning, meaning it’s getting darker, from the signs of Leo to Virgo. You could be doing some fast thinking to keep something private from becoming public, or at least known by too many people. Don’t make mountains out of molehills. It’s time to finish up and pay up; review and rearrange. Debts are called in, people and events from the past can resurface and it’s time to clean up things before the New Moon on Thursday. Click here for more...
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