Monday, March 18, 2019

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in Leo as an exciting week gets underway!  It's all about the children, going out, and having good clean fun. Things are regal, royal and dignified.  The Moon in Leo favors Leo to be the King or Queen of their lives, #Virgo may have to deal with regal and loud types much to their dismay, #Libra your torn between having fun with friends and waiting at home for a delivery #Scorpio you could kick yourself for splurging too much it's time to get your money back, #Sagittarius you might want to go off and travel but you're needed on the job or at home, #Capricorn avoid needless fears or letting your imagination get the best of you you could be wrong, #Aquarius you happily go along with another or do you?  #Pisces test your skills at getting your way and talking others into things, #Aries focus on what's ahead not behind you, #Taurus a career decision looms large, #Gemini you do your best to turn lemons into lemonade, and #Cancer it's time to rebuild your career and profession, time to do it all over again.

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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in her Home sign Mothering Cancer and this favors #Cancer to be one step closer to distancing themselves away from people telling them what to do and getting too familiar, #Leo wants what belongs to another so sticky fingers are possible, #Virgo wants to learn new things, mysterious things, #Libra works carefully and slowly to make more time for themselves, and not answer the question "What are you doing tonight"? #Scorpio is close to finding someone to rely on, #Sagittarius gets an offer but it requires more work, #Capricorn follows their intuition which is on point, #Aquarius is trying to keep the peace and the budget, #Pisces is competitive and should enter contests, #Aries once again it's time to do your own thing independently of family pressure, #Taurus being among friends that you share interests with makes you a winner today, #Gemini one step at a time towards overcoming challenges, endings and and financial obstacles! 

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