Saturday, December 1, 2018

2019 Horoscope Guides

The 2019 Horoscope Guide Pre-Sale has been a huge success! I am doing my best to get them to you.  So far Aries-Leo have been delivered, and are available on Amazon in paperback.
Mercury retrograde has me tweaking and re-editing everything and my regular work of talking to clients and writing the Horoscopes gets over whelming. 
Thanks for your patience.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Time to Raise your Consciousness Your Weekly Horoscopes

Time to Raise your Consciousness Your Weekly Horoscopes

it's a new week and even though Mercury is retrograde there's plenty to be happy about and you should be seeking all manner of uplifting vibrations.  In all honesty we're off to the races and I would hate for any of you to be left behind or get a slow start to the amazing new things that await you!