Monday, June 25, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Freedom loving Sagittarius where it's all about justice, immigration, travel, all things religious, or foreign thinking the grass is greener somewhere else!  The Moon in Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising to get their way today! #Capricorn is more introverted, #Aquarius can't figure out why some people love them or hate them, #Pisces is still trying to grasp recent breakthroughs, #Aries looks ahead and wants to get away but can't not yet, #Taurus is another Sun sign trying to understand recent mental breakthroughs, #Gemini has a decision about romance to make, to commit or not to commit, #Cancer makes money, or acquires a luxury item so works harder than everyone else to get what they want, #Leo a major relationship decision is being made and you could be saying "You're Fired", #Virgo it's hard to believe that anyone would lie to you but...#Libra talk is cheap but who cares, #Scorpio decisions need to be made so why hesitate? 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are a 3* Cancer Rising by now you know that your relationships, what and who you love is very complicated.  You've been through lots of "others" experiences some good and some not so good.  What now?  Defining and creating boundaries for others, your love interests, children and even your best friends is serious business for Cancer born natives born today.  You decide how others treat you and what's acceptable and what's not. It comes down to eliminating some who treat you poorly and drawing the line in the sand.  It sounds like tough talk but it will set you up for the future when and recognizing toxic and co-dependent relationships will be a must.  As the planet Jupiter climbs in your chart he's a stand still working on your self-confidence, and passions.  He's about to reveal to you that you have a great talent. Let your warm, loving nature come through and don't let rough and tumble others change you! If you do that you'll have good fortune and find out just how protected and unique you really are.  Be you!   

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in #Scorpio The sign of Scorpio is the most mysterious sign and certainly today holds some mystery! You might feel like delving into some mysteries, you might try to fathom what's going on with another, and as the silence and quietness gets to you, it's almost deafening your interest is piqued.  Read my Daily Horoscopes for more.  However, you might be better off doing something productive with your intense attention span and leave the sleuthing to the experts. Today the Moon in Scorpio favors #Scorpio and Scorpio Rising to get their way, #Sagittarius wants to avoid others, #Capricorn goes deep, #Aquarius needs to be told "It's just life", #Pisces regrets they've got a few, #Aries has slowed down and walks in the park seem fun, #Taurus needs to put aside their youthful ways and be all grown up now, #Gemini feels like a victim with any intrusion on their time, #Dontbotherme, #Cancer  sees the need for new and better friends, #Leo wants to know Who's paying for this? #Virgo goes deep, but too deep to get any clear answers, and #Libra needs a safe place to land. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes