Monday, June 18, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo making this a good day to get back to work! Everyone tends to be more picky and detail oriented during Virgo Moons, so come with the facts and figures, and demand perfection!  The Moon in Virgo favors all the earth born Sun signs but especially #Virgo who tends to get all the attention and gets their way!  #Libra tends to beat themselves up about would have, could have, should have things, #Scorpio seeks good advice, Sagittarius defers to someone else to make a decision, #Capricorn wants to explore their local community, #Aquarius has a housing dilemma, #Pisces blocks someone's calls and texts, #Aries lets you figure things out for yourself, #Taurus should avoid anyone who can potentially bring them down, #Gemini shouldn't be mean today, #Cancer relax and pamper yourself not others, and #Leo gets a fabulous bargain.

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy birthday Gemini If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy birthday Gemini if you're born today or you are a 26* Gemini Rising your life could take a big unexpected turn this year so pay attention.  You can just feel the competition nipping at your heels and sometimes they're not so nice about it either.  You can also feel that you have been victimized for your success.  How this all plays out depends on you.  Openly engaging in a social media frenzied war will only make your detractors gang up on you.  Stay off FB, IG and Twitter and avoid making crank calls.  Does anybody do that anymore?  Only post cute kitten videos if you must be on social media.  Avoid threatening people's jobs, or threatening to call the police or your lawyer.  GGRrr! OK so you want to get into it with others, then do so at your own peril.  Instead, you might consider channeling all that angst into your job, the gym, your career, and getting ahead. In love, there's a power play going on and sometimes you're ignoring him or her and sometimes he or she is blowing you off.  Things get complicated and Gemini is tempted to move on and flirt with a sexy someone who is already taken.  Intriguing!  Wise Gemini's will seek their own inner wisdom, mid their own business, and opt to make themselves happy.  Isn't that what life is all about anyways? 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Leo kicking off a polarizing standoff between Venus and Mars.  Oh my!  Opposites usually attract and can find what unites them but not now.  You either like or don't like people today!  The Moon is in Leo favors #Leo to have a flair for the romantic and diplomatic, #Virgo has mixed emotions and wants things settled in their romantic lives, #Libra plays games with an ex, #Scorpio is keen to notice the slightest disrespecting, #Sagittarius wants to go someplace fun and beautiful but can't, #Capricorn is in a position to guide and protect children or their children, #Aquarius needs to use all their self control not to blow it, #Pisces needs to work hard and avoid self-sabotaging, #Aries be happy, creative and don't get distracted by negativity, #Taurus has a serious decision to make so flying solo and not getting distracted by others would be a positive, #Gemini makes things happen and ever so slight knows how to twist another's arm, and #Cancer might have to watch over a lover's or a child's spending or financial interest! 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes