Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mercury is Direct

No worries Mercury is direct and the next Mercury RX doesn't occur again until July 26th just before a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius at 4°, hey wait a minute that's where Mercury went Direct today at 4° Aries.  Seems like there's a thread or woven energy there.  

Happy Birthday Aries If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Aries If You're Born Today or you are a 26*-27* Aries Rising this applies to you too.  Over the coming Birthday cycle big changes will occur.  Sure you're a little shaken by recent turbulence that's causes you to get much more serious about getting ahead but if your personal Birth Chart agrees you can put so much behind you and concentrate all your being on getting ahead.  It's time to reap the rewards of all your hard work and efforts and to enjoy the fruits of your labors.  Take a moment and enjoy breath taking views, fine dining at it's best and the freedom to create new and beautiful things yourself.  You can take a dream or a hobby to a new level this year and make money from a passion or what used to be just a hobby.  Sure the competition is and will be stiff but thta's never stopped you before. In love, you work it out with an ex and put yourself in the dating pool.  Life is too short for Aries to waste time.  You are as unique as the Stars above you! Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book your consultation with me at  

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Today's Planets and You!

Today's Planets and You!  Well, finally, Mercury is Direct! The Moon is dark in Aries but will be a New Moon tonight at 9:57 PM ET 6:57 PT.  Shortly after a burst of kinetic energy as the Moon meets up with wild and zany Uranus.  Anything goes tonight! The in Aries favors #Aries to eat well and take charge of their lives, #Taurus is going for a prize and want's to impress others, #Gemini could do something  wild and crazy, like pop back into your life, #Cancer feels in charge and like the boss, #Leo has to abide by the rules but doesn't want to, #Virgo indulges in something that's not good for them, #Libra starts to reach out to others, #Scorpio finds a new angle to use, #Sagittarius decides you you live once and makes a big purchase, #Capricorn moves out of their limiting head space and away from problems, #Aquarius regrets something they said, and #Pisces spend and indulges themselves. There's more Daily Horoscopes on my website Check out all my catalog of Astrology Reports to get your through the Year! 

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