Thursday, February 22, 2018

Happy Birthday #Pisces If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Pisces if you're born today or you are a 3*-4* Pisces Rising this applies to you too, your Solar Return and your Birthday Year Ahead looks stellar as long as you remember that your Sun sign is meant to have big dreams, and unreachable goals because some of those big dreams and unreachable goals can come true.  You might just have an uncanny knowing that you're on the right track.  You might also struggle with the fact that it's hard to get others to see your vision or greatness.  Sometime you might wonder "Who do they think I am".  So avoid allowing others to bring you down or make you feel less than you know yourself in your heart of hearts to be.  It's true others might not know that they are in the presence of someone who might do great things in the future.  But you know that already.  This makes it hard especially if you have to separate yourself from others to reconnect with your purpose and your dream.  So this year tests your resolve in knowing that you are meant for bigger and better things.  There's your reality and there's your dream.  It's your challenge to keep both in good working order.  Those born today can easily meet challenges and work hrder than ever.  Never Give up should be your motto.  Recommended Report My Birthday Report on

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Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in immovable Taurus this favors all the Earth signs #Taurus, #Virgo and #Capricorn with good fortune, and brings opportunities to #Cancer and #Pisces, while it makes the fixed signs #Leo, #Scorpio and #Aquarius even more stubborn and prone to arguments. The Moon in #Taurus favors #Taurus and Taurus Rising to step out and take control, #Gemini suffers from their big dreams and loft goals, #Cancer hustles for money, #Leo can be critical if you're not doing your job, #Virgo invests in tomorrow, #Libra says something under their breathe, #Scorpio gets shifty with money, #Sagittarius thinks about fixing things themselves DIY style, #Capricorn needs lots of self-confidence to get over a hump, #Aquarius is given a challenge to take on, #Pisces should just be sweet and keep their gripes to themselves, #Aries will use mantras, candles and Louisiana magic, to get their way. There's more Daily Horoscopes on my website 
Need to know more? You can book your consultation with me at  

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Happy Birthday #Pisces If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Pisces if you're born today or you're a 1*-2* Pisces Rising this applies to you too, you can definitely feel that life is worth living especially if you've done your absolute best to clear debts, and be a good worker, co-worker, child, sibling or high achiever.  This could be your year to get more recognition and a prize.  Yes, a prize. As long as your not tempted to be disrespectful, wag your tongue at the boss, an elder or your parents, and you've learned the lessons Saturn presented over the last 2 years, you're in line for a prize.  Feel more self-confident and if you always remember people are watching you, and that you're a mentor or example to others, you're going places this year. Expect miracles and feel surrounded by good vibes.  Don't waste your time and money on junk and avoid impulsive spending.  This year you have to look and feel like a success! Recommended Report My Birthday Report available on

There's more Daily Horoscopes on my website need to know more? Book your consultation with me at 

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