Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Birthday #Aquarius or #Pisces If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today or #Pisces if you're born today.  This also applies to you if you're 29* Aquarius Rising or 0* Pisces Rising! Today's birthday boys or girls have much to look forward to.  Sure every year there's a new challenge you face that seems to go on forever, thanks to Saturn the cosmic gatekeeper and accountant. The big squeeze as I love to call him.  Reaching out to others, making new connections and finding that one and only who gives you a reason to get up in the morning and try harder everyday seems to be your way to happiness in the coming year.  This year you have to getting into debt, making promises, or putting your foot in your mouth.  This year earn your rewards don't give yourself a pass for mediocrity.  It's very easy to make excuses or feel high and might but in the end you'll pay for that.  Your focus should be on working hard, staying organized, and doing more for those you love.  A Me first, my Way rebellious attitude will catch up to you in a few years if you're not careful. You have lots of work to do, so find your calling and get started.  A great work and career opportunity year awaits you!
Recommended Report My Birthday Report on's more Daily Horoscopes on my website need to know more? 
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Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in #Aries so things get louder and move faster.  This favors #Aries to stand out as today's Favorite person!  The Sun changes signs too and enters Pisces and it's time to be more understanding, poetic, creative and let your inner pixie or spirit fairy out!  #Pisces is ready for a fresh start and change, with a little magic gets a fresh start and gifts, #Aquarius needs to look just as good as their beau so a trip to the salon is expected, #Capricorn is in everything for the long haul, and that gets weary so you find someone to help you,  #Sagittarius is sensitive, more aggressive and ready for a fight or to defend their turf, #Scorpio while you adore your privacy, people want to see more of you, #Libra letting go is so very hard to do but it's a must! #Virgo you could find the perfect companion, if you're ready to be vulnerable, #Leo if you don't take care of yourself no one else will, heck they won't even notice when you're sick, #Cancer pickings are slim for a forever partner but you need the freedom to be you anyways, #Gemini It's best to lay low, as drawing too much attention to yourself today won't go over well, and #Taurus being a team player and making parents and authority figures doesn't make you a brown nose it makes you smarter than everyone else! There's more Daily Horoscopes on my website need to know more? 

You can book your consultation with me at #Astrology #Horoscope #DailyHoroscopes #Zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #Lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse #Sexstrology #Valentine #SolarEclipse #MardiGras #Numerology #Tarot #BestApp

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Happy Birthday Aquarius If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Aquarius if you're born today or You're a 28* Aquarius Rising this applies to you too, as the Moon peeks and shows it's first sliver after a New Moon Solar Eclipse what unimaginable things await you.  You can only guess or speculate but it could be pretty amazing! Always anticipate a miracle, a surprise or the unexpected as you go about your new Birthday cycle and Birthday Year Ahead.  You could even have secret ambitions or a secret plan on how to get ahead, succeed or get your way.  You're not telling anyone and that's just as good for while surprises await you,  you will surprise everyone around you! Aquarius works double time and harder than everyone else, to achieve a major dream.  Make everyone proud of you and follow your passions.  Recommended Report My Birthday Report on . There's more Daily Horoscopes on my website need to know more? 

You can book your consultation with me at #Astrology #Horoscope #DailyHoroscopes #Zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #Lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse #Sexstrology  #SolarEclipse #Numerology #Tarot #BestApp