Saturday, January 20, 2018

Happy Birthday #Aquarius If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today or you're a 0*-1* Aquarius Rising this applies to you too, it's a year of change, and not making the same mistakes again and again.  You can find yourself in the same situations with the same kind of people or similar relationship dynamics.  You might find yourself reacting the same way over and over again.  It's time to change your reactions and your inner dynamics.  It's time to be realistic about what you have or don't have also.  If u spend more time alone than with your love, what is that? Is it a real relationship?  We tend to make all kinds of excuses for everything in life and you too can find a way to spin everything.  You also find a way to hang on for dear life.  You might find the perfect person to go along with your dynamics too.  On the surface this perfect person says "Yes" and while your away does their own thing, is that what you want? There's a sense this year of self-importance and it's true you have achieved more than ever you expected to achieve. You can make more money, get the guy or girl and  be happier than ever.  So why not look a little deeper inside and clear the cobwebs, psychological hurdles and get clear with yourself? 

The 2018 Horoscopes are up! Wait there's more, you download a more detailed Sun sign Horoscope for 2018 on my Web Store and on #AmazonKindle!  

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Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon in Pisces a gentler more serene time. The Moon in Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and it represents what is felt and not seen, what is there and has been there, but not seen.  It is the completion of a cycle.  Keyword today: cunning.  Since we are in the Eclipse zone, all things leading to a Full Moon Eclipse in Leo now.  The Moon in #Pisces favors Pisces to take the lead and the initiative, #Aries to attempt to get more active and back on track, #Taurus to network with important types, #Gemini to protect their place in the world, #Cancer to find the perfect match, #Leo to get very serious and very cunning, #Virgo to get organized and make decisions, #Libra to try to get others help in a very subtle cunning way, #Scorpio to have new lease on life, #Sagittarius to start over, yes again, #Capricorn to always come up with a new plan, and #Aquarius to be nicer and more fair. 
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Happy Birthday Capricorn or Aquarius Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Capricorn or Aquarius born today or if you are a 2* Capricorn Rising or a 0* Aquarius Rising this applies to you too, Ugh with Mr. Miser Saturn in your 12th house you are relegated to working behind the scenes, to tending to unfinished karmic business, paying off debts and realizing the only person to help you is well, You.  Perhaps a friend, helpful person, in-law or mentor moves away or pulls the magic carpet of always being there for you, out from under you.  This opens the doors for new friends, and learning how to make new friends,  It opens the door to new involvements and friends who share your ideas and interests.  make your life more interesting by getting involved in clubs, sports, and group meetings.  It's time for healing your hurts, and noticing all your reactions to things.  Yup it's self help or therapy time.  No worries you'll approach this like you approach everything with determination, stubbornness and resourcefulness.

The 2018 Horoscopes are up! Wait there's more, you download a more detailed Sun sign Horoscope for 2018 on my Web Store and on #AmazonKindle!  

#Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse