Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy Birthday #Capricorn If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Capricorn if you're born today or you are a 25* Capricorn Rising this applies to you too and even though there's plenty to keep you on your toys no worries you grow stronger through it all.  You learn through the next year that becoming emotional and angry just doesn't cut.  Being calm and collected does. You realize that there's nothing that's being thrown at you that you haven't see or experienced before.  You have to realize that sometimes you are a target and no matter how much you have or don't have there's always someone out there who wants it from you or will try to take it from you.  Time after time you see how sweet victory is and can be.  No matter what Capricorns born today are winners.  Make this year your year to get stronger and to tackle all the hard stuff you've wanted to get done. Don't fly solo fly with friends and like minded people who you can join forces with.  The 2018 Horoscopes are up! Wait there's more, you download a more detailed Sun sign Horoscope for 2018 on my Web Store and on #AmazonKindle!  

#Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse #2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is dark in Capricorn and won't be  New Moon until tomorrow night.  Today is filled with small victories for those persistent and hard working types!  The Moon in #Capricorn favors Capricorn to do what they do best, cling mountains and jump through hoops, #Aquarius can get caught up in their own importance, #Pisces can impress VIPs or have in-law issues, #Aries can achieve everything with a little elbow grease, #Taurus wins by knowing more than everyone else, #Gemini works hard, gets the right people to help and makes money, #Cancer doesn't know who to trust, whichc is a good thing, #TrustNoOne, #Leo finds the right people to delegate to and this makes him or her happy #ALoadLifted, #Virgo has a new plan for love or gets a messages from a lover, #Libra cleans closets, pantries and their desk making much needed room for all their new stuff, #Scorpio gets good new and money which gets them out of the dull drums, and #Sagittarius has an answer to prayer. 
The 2018 Horoscopes are up! Wait there's more, you download a more detailed Sun sign Horoscope for 2018 on my Web Store and on #AmazonKindle!  

#Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse #2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Daily Horoscopes for Sunday!

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19): Aries your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a turn! Aries you might have been feeling like giving it your all and then giving up!  Come on, just a little more ways to go. You can do anything you put your mind to it you keep motivating yourself.  You just might uncover a mystery.  Be wary of computer crimes.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

 Taurus (Apr 20-May 21): Taurus your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a turn! In many ways you have to bit the bullet and make a decisive change!  That may mean you have to change alliances and subject yourself to the whims or even anger of some.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Gemini (May 20-June 21): Gemini your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn! You might have a million things you'd rather be doing but pressing tedious work matters or health matters take up your mind space.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Cancer (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): Cancer your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn! Where is everyone when you need them? A question you certainly might ask yourself today.  Maybe spending your time doing something creative or nothing at all will soothe your nerves.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23): Leo your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn!  If you feel stuck you're not alone. It's going to take lots of energy to get you moving and in the right direction.  So, don't cloud your heart or mind with any anger. Move on!
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn! Your feelings can be hurt and your wallet too. It's like that when you feel you were doing the right thing only t find out you weren't appreciated.  Don't let others or bad people change you! Stay pure and true to yourself.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

 Libra (Sept.22-Oct 23): Libra your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn! All of a sudden you might feel that things are not right at home.  Is there something you overlooked?  Mind money matters and expensive repairs.  Don't put off a repair that might turn into something bigger and more expensive.  Strong influences make you think you're alone, but you're not.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22): Scorpio your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius you can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn! Of course you're going to have to fight the moody blues from time to time, Jupiter's in your Sun sign and Mars is too.  These aggravating influences can bring a few tears or the need to drunk dial. Cry it out, don't make embarrassing phone calls or texts.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): Sagittarius your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius your Sun sign, it's your turn to muscle through.  You can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn!  When you don't get your way or things take longer than you anticipate you might holler, stomp those Sagittarius legs and then once you get it all out, get back to solving the problems that come your way today!
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 21): Capricorn your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius your Sun sign, it's your turn to muscle through.  You can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn!  Wait for it...4:00 pm ET that is when the Moon enters your Sun sign or 8:35 pm ET when the Moon squeezes past Saturn your ruler.  then you get your way, your turn around and things start to go better.  Until then you might not have any patience and your mean streak might get the better of you! Oh My!
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Aquarius your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius your Sun sign, it's your turn to muscle through.  You can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn!  Things you do now and decisions you make now have consequences and long term affects, so be mindful. Some of you might have to make a major relationship decision if it doesn't feel right.  So, avoid wishful thinking and think more in terms of 1 + 2 = 3 consequences.
Download my 2018 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides on my Web Store or for your Kindle on Amazon!

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Pisces your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Sagittarius your Sun sign, it's your turn to muscle through.  You can over do or do things in a big way, but it's still has something to do with the past, learning, gathering information, getting down to brass tacks, or taking legal measures.  The Moon changes signs midday into Capricorn and it's time to get back to work! maybe you'll want to be extra careful around 3:30 pm ET to 4:15 PM ET when the Sun (will power) clashes with Uranus (electricity, technology and separations) and things take a fast turn!  A unique opportunity make you have to chose between VIP friends, people you share interests with or your everyday regular friends.  You can eat lunch with the boss or CEO or your cubicle-mate.  The line is about to be drawn in the sand and you need to decide where you'll stand or sit.  A tough choice.  Don't let it eat away at your health though.