Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Birthday #Scorpio if you're born today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday #Scorpio if you're born today or you are a 28* Scorpio Rising this applies to you too, as your Birthday Horoscope gets underway you are about to step into a new financial future, which you might have initiated yourself by striking out on your own or feel you were pushed into. Nonetheless here you are.  It's time for another chapter that really got underway about 4 yrs. ago when you should have done what you're doing now.  You don't always jump into change as a Scorpio you kind of have to be shoved into it.  Underneath it all maybe you have regrets, but you'll never admit that to anyone.  While you still might want to lean on others, like family or children it's not a good idea.  You're supposed to lead, take on more responsibilities and be the strong one now.  New employment or a new career direction is possible.  For those unwilling to work hard and take responsibility, health issues could plague you.  Bad habits are not allowed in the coming year so little by little gather your strength and be the phoenix who rises from the ashes.  Be all that you can be.  In love, the spring time offer up a helpful partner.

Order my Recommended Report The Birthday Report to see what's ahead for you! Available on my web store ! The only real way to know what's ahead for you personally is to book a personal Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at Visit for more Horoscopes, and sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter. #Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #NewMoon #2018 #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Virgo, #Libra, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #Aquarius, #Pisces

Today's Planets and You! Daily horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon in #Sagittarius suggest you laugh more and dream bigger but that can be tough today with the Sun at the fated degree in Scorpio. Overcome a recurrent fear and lay to rest that haunting nightmare! It's time to be happy!  The Moon in #Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius to be a leader and take the bull by the horns today, #Capricorn is in the final lap so has to keep moving, #Aquarius has has high hopes and just needs someone to give them a little confidence, #Pisces needs to impress in a big way or go home, #Aries has big dreams that when planned out can come true, #Taurus save, save, save your money, #Gemini don't sweat the small stuff today, #Cancer is disappointed but moves on to what's important today, #Leo puts on a happy face and no one knows what's going on underneath it all, #Virgo is ready to voice their opinion about everything so watch out, #Libra has caviar dreams and wants someone to help pay for the caviar, and finally, #Scorpio  is happy to let the money trickle in.  

The only real way to know what's ahead for you personally is to book a personal Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at Visit for more Horoscopes, and sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter. #Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #Birthdayscope #lovescope #Birthdayreport #YearAhead #NewMoon #2018