Monday, August 21, 2017

Your Free Natal Birth Chart

The importance of having your Natal Birth Chart 

Having your personal Natal Birth Chart is akin to having your own personal road map or inspirational mandala.  The more you familiarize yourself with it the easier life is. At first it might just seem like a mix-up of symbols and numbers but with time and a little effort, maybe even a personal consultation to familiarize yourself with your Natal Birth Chart it will all start to come together for you over time.  
The Natal Birth Charts from my website are calculated by a real person, not a machine for accuracy. 
If you don't  have your Natal Birth Chart get one by clicking on the hyperlink or on my website.  
Get your free  Natal Birth Chart and book a consultation with me and together we'll go over the entire chart, time permitting.  It's a journey you'll never forget and always remember!  Have your pencil ready! 


Happy Birthday #Leo if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Leo if you're born today or you are a 28* Leo Rising your birthday falls on the New Moon Solar Eclipse day which means there are fundamental changes to occur in your life.  The planet Mars and fixed star Regulus along with the Lunar North Node accompany this New Moon Solar Eclipse so not everyone will go along with your plans.  Some of you will strike out on your own and some of you will be pushed out unwillingly, it all depends on your Natal Birth Chart and personal planets.  There is a complete about face or fresh start in your future.  People you counted on disappear one by one and in some ways you could be scared that they will turn on you and rightfully so.  The stakes are high but with your usual aplomb you'll take matters into your own hands and not leave anything to fateor the unknown.  Do your best not to antagonize powerful types.  This year is all about survival of the fittest for those born today.  The only real way to know what's ahead for your Birthday year  is to book a personal Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at 

Visit for more Horoscopes, and sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter. #Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #zodiac #SolarEclipse

Today's Planets and You! Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse

Today's Planets and You! It's a New Moon Solar Eclipse in #Leo and along for the ride are Mars & the Lunar North Node both malefic, or in normal people speak "Not Good". This New Moon Solar Eclipse in #Leo favors #Leo for a grand escape towards freedom, #Virgo needs others to find their way, #Libra has the doors to a new social life open to them, #Scorpio takes their place on stage and roses or tomatoes will be thrown at them #Sagittarius wants to start a new career or business, #Capricorn stands up for themselves like a fierce lion, #Aquarius finds someone to park with, #Pisces finds love and sort of goes with the feeling, #Aries tries to get the key to the treasure box of luck, #Taurus lives larger & is open emotionally, #Gemini wants to sway with words and fantastic ideas, & #Cancer wins a jackpot.  The only real way to know what's ahead for you is to book a personal Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at Visit for more Horoscopes, and sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter. 

 #Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #zodiac