Saturday, June 24, 2017

Get a Free tarot Reading Each Month with my Horoscope App

Get a Free Tarot Reading from me, each month when you download my Horoscope App.  When you purchase my Horoscope App you'll receive a Free Monthly Tarot Reading a value of 120.00. It's not just any tarot reading, these are my meanings of each tarot card so, it's like getting a reading from me personally with the tarot cards. Sign up now!

Happy Birthday #Cancer if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Cancer if you're born today or you are 3* Cancer Rising it's a dynamic year of changes that awaits you!  The cardinal Grand square pulls you in different directions at different times.  Sometimes the focus is on you, sometimes on family and property matters, then your career and where you see yourself in 5 years and each one of these areas of your life is serious business.  The might planet Pluto dominates your relationship and marriage zone so you really have to hold your own against others who seem to be stronger, wealthier and more powerfully than you.  You'll alos need to know when to fight, argue and get into it with others and when to walk away.  Smart crabs will shimmy side to side and easily out maneuver their adversaries and competitors by playing innocent.  The Fall could bring a massive heart romance into your life! Let's find out more! 
Of course, this is general and your personal planets are not generic so consider a Birthday Consultation with me.  I also recommend the Birthday Report if you want to know more about your Solar Return! Click here for more.
Visit for more Horoscopes, sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter Book your Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at

#Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #FullMoon, #Ophiuchus, #Aquarius, #Eclipse, #Pisces, #FamousAstrologer, #CelebrityAstrologer, #sexstrology, #Borntoday, #Birthday

Today's planets and you!

Today's planets and you! The New Moon which occurred last night starts a new cycle of feelings that are less inclined to take chances but more inclined towards security. Sit on what you have and hold! The New Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer and #Cancer rising, Leo could be far away from home and feeling the angst, #Virgo helps a friend or neighbor and is rewarded, #Libra feels alone then likes being alone, #Scorpio distant shores call to you, #Sagittarius overcomes an obstacle but spends too much, #Capricorn realizes they will always have someone who loves them but someone who criticizes them, #Aquarius needs to avoid drama, #Pisces could fall in love if they let down their guard, #Aries gets lots of attention today, #Taurus everyone listens to you, #Gemini is very touchy!
Visit for more Horoscopes, sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter Book your Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at
#Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #FullMoon, #Ophiuchus, #Aquarius, #Eclipse, #Pisces, #FamousAstrologer, #CelebrityAstrologer, #sexstrology, #Borntoday, #Birthday