Wednesday, May 17, 2017

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Happy Birthday #Taurus if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Taurus if you're born today you can be unusually focused on your career, getting ahead, a personal goal, pleasing a boss, parent or other person who is influential in you getting ahead in life.  But that's not all you should be concerned about. Living a balanced life and being self-reliant is super important in your Birthday year.  The Lunar Nodes are spending lots of time in the area of your chart that insists you be self-sufficient, rely on yourself and not depend on others.  In fact, you'll be tested in this are so pay attention.  This year you have to be independent, self-confident and have the coping abilities of a leader!  So don't get shaken up things that come up that make you want to run home to Mommy or Daddy.  During the first half of the year people throw around accusations and blame. It's quite a competitive year for you!  Not a problem for Taurus who has the facts and figures at their fingertips, learns the rules and regulations of their business or whatever their involved in.  This your you separate yourself as a professional and expert in your field.  Later this year it's time for romance and pairing! Visit for more Horoscopes, sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter or Book your Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at


#Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #FullMoon, #Ophiuchus, #Aquarius, #Eclipse, #Pisces, #FamousAstrologer, #CelebrityAstrologer, #sexstrology, #Borntoday, #Birthday

Today's Planets and You!

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in puppy dog friendly #Aquarius where things are friendly but could turn strange & weird at any point during the day! The Aquarius Moon favors #Aquarius to feel confident, strong & to stand out, #Pisces works better alone but in a group setting, #Aries will do anything to get an old friend or love back into their lives, #Taurus focus on impressing the boss who holds your future in his or her hands, #Gemini looks to do something new & escape, #Cancer adds beauty and value to his or life today, #Leo is focused on another chance in his or he relationships, #Virgo puts out fires, #Libra wants to blame another if things don't work out, #Scorpio laments about the past but should focus on the future, #Sagittarius enjoys a spontaneous day, #Capricorn focuses on stock piling food and clothes! isit for more Horoscopes, sign up for my Horoscope Newsletter or Book your Consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App at  

#Astrology, #Horoscope, #DailyHoroscopes, #Aries, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Cancer, #Leo, #Scorpio, #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #FullMoon, #Ophiuchus, #Aquarius, #Eclipse, #Pisces, #FamousAstrologer, #CelebrityAstrologer, #sexstrology, #Borntoday, #Birthday