Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy Birthday #Pisces if You're Born today

Happy Birthday #Pisces if you're born today the ability to change your life or course is within your grasp.  It's time to decide what serves you well and what is failing you.  Set aside bad habits and change directions.  It's OK if you feel you don't feel the same about what used to be exciting.  You're growing up! Some of you could be downright frugal this year as you decide to get serious about spending and get your debts cleared away. that's right a clean slate is what's needed now. It could be due in part from all the amazing opportunities to succeed that are falling in your lap right now that you decide to be responsible and the picture of success.  A change of diet, of habits and a more athletic or healthy lifestyle are within your reach. Go for it!

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Happy Birthday #Pisces if you're born on Sunday 2/19

Happy Birthday #Pisces if you're born on Sunday 2/19 you can feel the winds of change coming all the time or you just feel an anticipation or you're waiting for someone or something. It might be that you are changing.  Maybe you are becoming more healthy, working out more or ridding yourseelf of bad habits or addictive behavior.  Anyways it's a year long process so give yourself time and don't rush anything this year.  It's your year to go deeper.  You can be haunted by dreams, have flash backs or someone of you could have some vicious outbursts, and wonder where did that come from.  You can be stressed as you are giving some major opportunities to show the boss or corporate what you are capable of.  Pisces born today is intent on making a name fro themselves.

You can easily Book your Birthday Consultation w/Terry Nazon World Famous Astrologer using my Booking APP from Schedule Now